Christian Ritschel, Lena J. Daumann, and Claus Feldmann. Inorganic–organic hybrid nanoparticles with carbonate-triggered emission-colour-shift. Dalton Transactions, 2025.
Chia-Lin Lin, Pei-Chi Huang, Simone Graessle, Christoph Grathwol, Pierre Tremouilhac, Sylvia Vanderheiden, Patrick Hodapp, Sonja Herres-Pawlis, Alexander Hoffmann, Fabian Fink , Georg Manolikakes , Till Opatz , Andreas Link , M. Manuel, B. Marques, Lena J. Daumann, Manuel Tsotsalas, Frank Biedermann, Hatice Mutlu, Eric Täuscher, Felix Bach, Tim Drees, Steffen Neumann, Nicole Jung, Stefan Bräse, Supporting Sustainability of Chemistry by Linking Research Data with Physically Preserved Research Materials. Sci Data, 2025.
Bary, Philippe de, Robin Steudtner, Helena Singer, Björn Drobot, Andreas S. Klein, Cathleen Zeymer, Huub J. M. Op den Camp, and Lena J. Daumann. Lanthanide-Dependent Methanotroph Thrives on Radioactive Promethium. ChemRxiv, 2024.
Sophie M. Gutenthaler-Tietze, Michael Mertens, Manh Tri Phi, Patrick Weis, Björn Drobot, Alexander Köhrer, Robin Steudtner, Uwe Karst, N. Cecilia Martinez-Gomez, Lena J. Daumann. Comparative Binding Studies of the Chelators Methylolanthanin and Rhodopetrobactin B to Lanthanides and Ferric Iron. ChemRxiv, 2024.
Sophie Dürauer, Hyun-Seo Kang, Christian Wiebeler, Yuka Machida, Dina S Schnapka, Denitsa Yaneva, Christian Renz, Maximilian J Götz, Pedro Weickert, Abigail C Major, Aldwin S Rahmanto, Sophie M. Gutenthaler-Tietze, Lena J. Daumann, Petra Beli, Helle D. Ulrich, Michael Sattler, Yuichi J. Machida, Nadine Schwierz, Julian Stingele. Allosteric activation of the SPRTN protease by ubiquitin maintains genome stability. BioRxiv, 2024.
Sophie M. Gutenthaler-Tietze, Jerome Kretzschmar, Satuna Tsushima, Robin Steudtner, Björn Drobot, L. J. Daumann. Reversing Lanmodulin’s Metal-Binding Sequence in Short Peptides Surprisingly Increases the Lanthanide Affinity: Oops I Reversed It Again! ChemRxiv, 2024.
Alexa M. Zytnick, Sophie M. Gutenthaler-Tietze, Allegra T. Aron, Zachary L. Reitz, Manh Tri Phi, Nathan M. Good, Daniel Petras, Lena J. Daumann, Norma C. Martinez-Gomez. Identification and characterization of a small-molecule metallophore involved in lanthanide metabolism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2024.
Geißler, Alexandra, Howard Junca, Andreas M. Kany, Lena J. Daumann, Anna K. H. Hirsch, Dietmar H. Pieper, und Stephan A. Sieber. Isocyanides inhibit bacterial pathogens by covalent targeting of essential metabolic enzymes. Chemical Science, 2024.
Manh Tri Phi, Helena Singer, Felix Zäh, Cristoph Haisch, Sabine Schneider, Huub J. M. Op den Camp, Lena J. Daumann. Assessing Lanthanide-Dependent Methanol Dehydrogenase Activity: The Assay Matters. ChemBioChem, 2024.
Helena Singer, Robin Steudtner, Ignacio Sottorff, Björn Drobot, Arjan Pol, Huub J.M Op den Camp and Lena J. Daumann, Learning from Nature: Recovery of rare earth elements by the extremophilic bacterium Methylacidiphilum fumariolicum. Chem. Communications. 2023, pioneering investigators issue.
H. Singer, R. Steudtner, A.S. Klein, C. Rulofs, C. Zeymer, B. Drobot, A. Pol, N.C. Martinez-Gomez, H.J.M. Op den Camp, L.J. Daumann, Minor Actinides Can Replace Essential Lanthanides in Bacterial Life, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, VIP Paper.
H. Singer, R. Steudtner, A.S. Klein, C. Rulofs, C. Zeymer, B. Drobot, A. Pol, N.C. Martinez-Gomez, H.J.M. Op den Camp, L.J. Daumann, Radioactive elements curium and americium support methylotrophic bacterial life. Chemrxiv, 2022.
R. Janßen, V. A. Vetsova, D. Putz, P. Mayer, L. J. Daumann, Modular Synthesis of New Pyrroloquinoline Quinone Derivatives. Synthesis, 2022.
N. Danaf, J. Kretzschmar, B. Jahn, H. Singer, A. Pol, HJM. Op den Camp, R. Steudtner, D. Lamb, B. Drobot, L.J. Daumann, Studies of Pyrroloquinoline Quinone Species in Solution and in Lanthanide-dependent Methanol Dehydrogenases. PCCP, 2022.
S. M. Gutenthaler, S. Tsushima, R . Steudtner, M. Gailer, A. Hoffmann-Röder, B. Drobot*, L.J. Daumann*, LanM Peptides – Unravelling the Binding Properties of the EFHand Loop Sequences Stripped from the Structural Corset. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2022.
D. Diekemper, L. Daumann, S. Schwarzer, Vom Glühstrumpf zum modernen Leuchtstoff, Plus Lucis (Verein zur Förderung des physikalischen und chemischen Unterrichts), 2022.
L.J. Daumann, A. Pol, H.J.M. Op den Camp, N.C. Martinez-Gomez, A perspective on the role of lanthanides in biology: discovery, open questions and possible applications. Advances in Microbial Physiology, 2022.
Alexa M Zytnick, Nathan Michael Good, Colin C Barber, Manh Tri Phi, Sophie M. Gutenthaler, Wenjun Zhang, Lena J. Daumann, Norma Cecilia Martinez-Gomez Identification of a biosynthetic gene cluster encoding a novel lanthanide chelator in Methylorubrum extorquens AM1. bioRxiv 2022.
A. Schäfer, V. Vetsova, E. Schneider, M. Kappes, M. Seitz, L. Daumann, P. Weis, Ion mobility studies of Pyrroloquinoline Quinone Aza-Crown-Ether Lanthanide Complexes. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom, 2022.
D.Schmidl, N.S.W. Jonasson, A. Menke, S. Schneider, L.J. Daumann* Spectroscopic and in vitro investigations of Fe2+/α-Ketoglutarate-dependent enzymes involved in nucleic acid repair and modification. ChemBioChem, 2022.
H. Singer, B. Drobot, C. Zeymer, R. Steudtner*, L. J. Daumann* Americium preferred: Lanmodulin, a natural lanthanide-binding protein favors an actinide over lanthanides, Chemical Science 2021, accepted
L.J.Dauman, A Natural Lanthanide-Binding Protein Facilitates Separation and Recovery of Rare Earth Elements (First Reactions), ACS Cent. Sci. 2021, accepted
F.R. Neururer, S. Liu, D. .Leitner, M. Baltrun, K.R. Fisher, H. Kopacka, K. Wurst, L.J. Daumann, D. Munz* and S. Hohloch*, accepted, Inorg. Chem. 2021, Mesoionic Carbenes in Low- to High-Valent Vanadium Chemistry
N.S.W. Jonasson, R. Janßen, A. Menke, F.L. Zott, H. Zipse, L.J. Daumann*, TET-like oxidation in 5-methylcytosine and derivatives: A computational and experimental study, accepted Chembiochem 2021
R.A. Schmitz, N. Picone, H. Singer, A. Dietl, P. Mahadevan, A. Pol, M.S.M. Jetten, T.R.M. Barends, L.J. Daumann and H.J.M. Op den Camp* Neodymium as metal cofactor for biological methanol oxidation: structure and kinetics of a XoxF1-type methanol dehydrogenase, accepted, mBio 2021.
D. Schmidl, N. Jonasson, E. Korytiakova, T. Carell, L.J. Daumann*, Biomimetic iron complex achieves TET enzyme reactivity, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, accepted.
V.A. Vetsova, K.R. Fisher, H. Lumpe, A. Schäfer, E.K. Schneider, P. Weis, L.J. Daumann*, PQQ-Aza-Crown Ether Complexes as Biomimetics for Lanthanide and Calcium Dependent Alcohol Dehydrogenases. Chem. Eur .J. 2021
S.M. Gutenthaler, M.T. Phi, H. Singer, L.J. Daumann* Activity Assays of Methanol Dehydrogenases, Methods in Enzymology 2021, 650, 57-79.
L.J. Daumann*, Lanthanoide in der Natur, Nachr. Chem. 2021, 69, 7-8, 68.
L.J. Daumann*, Science Outreach auf drei Kontinenten - Wissenschaft in der Öffentlichkeit bewusst machen, NiU Chemie 2021, 183, 45-47.
N.H. Mandal, E.J. Osman, P. E. Pawlowsky, S.H. Prüschenk, E. Ringhoff, L.J. Daumann*, S. Schwarzer*, S.M. Gutenthaler und F. Johannes, Erprobung nachhaltiger Recycling-Methoden für Seltenerdelemente aus Alltagsgegenständen als kooperatives Schülerprojekt, NiU Chemie 2021, 183, 16-21.
A. Menke, R.C.A. Dubini, P. Mayer, P. Rovó and L.J. Daumann* Formation of Cisplatin Adducts with the Epigenetically-relevant Nucleobase 5-Methylcytosine, Cover feature, VIP Paper Eur. J. Inorg. Chem, 1, 30-36, 2021.
H. Lumpe, P. Mayer and L. J. Daumann*, Crystal structure of a Calcium(II) PQQ complex outside a protein environment, accepted, Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2020
L.J. Daumann*, Bioinorganic aspects in De Gruyter STEM series: Rare Earth Chemistry - Basics for Master and PhD Students, Editors: R. Pöttgen, T. Jüstel, C.A. Strassert, 2020
L. J. Daumann* and H.J.M. Op den Camp*, The Biochemistry of Rare Earth Elements, in Metal Ions in Life Sciences, Volume 21: Metals, Microbes and Minerals – The Biogeochemical Side of Life, Guest Editors: P.M.H. Kroneck and M.E. Sosa Torres, Series editors: A. Sigel, E. Freisinger, and R.K.O. Sigel, 2020
H. Lumpe, A. Menke, C. Haisch, P. Mayer, A. Kabelitz, K. V. Yusenko, A. G. Buzanich, T. Block, R. Pöttgen, F. Emmerling, L. J. Daumann* The Earlier the Better: Structural Analysis and Separation of Lanthanides with Pyrroloquinoline Quinone, Cover Article, Chem. Eur. J. 2020, chem.202002653. Highlighted on differnet news sites:, LMU.
R.A. Schmitz, A. Pol, S. Mohammadi, C. Hogendoorn, T. van Gelder, M.S.M. Jetten, L.J. Daumann, H.J.M. Op den Camp* The thermoacidophilic methanotroph Methylacidiphilum fumariolicum SolV oxidizes subatmospheric H2 with a high-affinity [NiFe] hydrogenase, ISME Journal. 2020 There is also a behind the paper contribution available:!
B.Jahn, N.S.W. Jonasson, H. Hu, H. Singer, A. Pol, N.M. Good, H.J.M. Op den Camp, N.C. Martinez-Gomez and L.J. Daumann*, Understanding the chemistry of the artificial electron acceptors PES, PMS, DCPIP and Wurster’s Blue in methanol dehydrogenase assays, J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59, 199–212.
- R. Lüling, H. Singer, T. Popp, H. John, I. Boekhof, H. Thiermann, L.J. Daumann, K. Karaghiosof, T. Gudermann, D. Steinritz, Sulfur mustard alkylates steroid hormones and impacts hormone function in vitro, Archives of Toxicology 2019, accepted.
N.S.W. Jonasson and L.J. Daumann*, 5-Methylcytosine is oxidized to the natural metabolites of TET-enzymes by a biomimetic iron(IV)oxo complex, Chem. -Eur. J. 2019, Cover Article, accepted.
H. Lumpe and L.J. Daumann*, Studies of the Redox Cofactor Pyrroloquinoline Quinone and its Interaction with Lanthanides(III) and Calcium(II), Inorg. Chem. 2019, accepted.
L.J. Daumann*, Essential and Ubiquitous: The Emergence of Lanthanide Metallobiochemistry, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2019, accepted.
P. Kalimuthu, L.J. Daumann*, A.Pol, H.J.M. Op den Camp, P.V. Bernhardt* Electrocatalysis of a Europium-Dependent Bacterial Methanol Dehydrogenase with its Physiological Electron Acceptor Cytochrome cGJ, Chem. Eur. J, 2019, Cover Feature, accepted,
W. Versantvoort, A. Pol, L.J. Daumann, J. Larrabee, A. Strayer, M. Jetten; L. van Niftrik, J. Reimann, H. Op den Camp*,Characterization of a novel cytochrome cGJ as the electron acceptor of XoxF-MDH in the thermoacidophilic methanotroph Methylacidiphilum fumariolicum SolV, BBA - Proteins and Proteomics, 2019, 1867, 6, 595-603.
- L.J. Daumann*, S. Demir* and S. Hohloch*, Trendberichte Bioanorganische und Koordinationschemie, Nachr. Chem. 2019, Volume 67, Issue 1, 65-80.
K. Rickmeyer and L.J. Daumann*, Spektroskopie: Licht ins Dunkel der Metalloenzyme, Nachr. Chem. 2018, Volume 66, Issue 12, 1143-1145.
- H. Lumpe, L.J. Daumann*, Lanthanoide - biologisch wichtig, Nachr. Chem. 2018, Volume 66, Issue 10, 945-948.
L.J. Daumann*, G. Rajaraman*, Special Issue: Dedicated to Professor Peter Comba on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, Z. anorg. allg. Chem. 2018, 644, 14, 604-605.
- V. A. Vetsova, L. J. Daumann*, Die vier Neuen: Nihonium, Moscovium, Tenness und Oganesson, Cover Article Nachr. Chem. 2018, Volume 66, Issue 7, 713-716
- H. Lumpe, A.Pol, H. J.M. Op den Camp and L. J. Daumann*, Impact of the Lanthanide Contraction on the Activity of a Lanthanide-dependent Methanol Dehydrogenase – A Kinetic and DFT Study, accepted Cover Article Dalton Transactions 2018
- L.J. Daumann*, Wirklich unzertrennlich? Seltene Erden trennen und recyclen, Cover Article Nachr. Chem. 2018, Volume 66, Issue 6, 597-600,
- B. Jahn, A.Pol, H. Lumpe, T. R. M. Barends, A. Dietl, C. Hogendoorn, H. J.M. Op den Camp and L. J. Daumann*, Similar but not the same: First Kinetic and Structural Analyses of a Methanol Dehydrogenase Containing a Europium Ion in the Active Site, Cover Article, ChemBioChem 2018. ChemBioChem Readers‘ Choice 2019 and top cited article 2018-2019
- C. Hogendoorn , P. Roszczenko-Jasińska , N. C.Martinez-Gomez , J. de Graaff , P. Grassl , A. Pol , H. J.M. Op den Camp , L.J. Daumann*, A facile Arsenazo III based assay for monitoring rare earth element depletion from cultivation media of methanotrophic and methylotrophic bacteria, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 84(8), [e02887-17], 2018, doi:10.1128/AEM.02887-17
- P. Comba, L.J. Daumann, R. Klingeler, C. Koo, M.J. Riley, A.E. Roberts, H. Wadepohl and J. Werner, Correlation of structural and magnetic properties in a set of mononuclear lanthanide complexes, Chem. - Eur. J. 24, 5319-5330, 2018 DOI: 10.1002/chem.201704822
- B. Jahn and L.J. Daumann; Weder Erden noch selten - Die faszinierende bioanorganische Chemie der Selten-Erd-Elemente, Cover Article Chem. Unserer Zeit, 2018, 51, DOI: 10.1002/ciuz.201700800
- Bianca M. Aas, Daniel Beck and Lena J. Daumann: Mehr als nicht unschuldig - NO in der Bioanorganik, Nachr. Chem. 2018, Volume 66, Issue 2, 114–117, DOI: 10.1002/nadc.20184070506
- N.Szimhardt, M. H. H. Wurzenberger, A. Beringer, L.J. Daumann and J. Stierstorfer; Coordination chemistry with 1-methyl-5H-tetrazole: Cocrystallization, laser-ignition, lead-free primary explosives – One Ligand, three Goals, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 23753 - 23765, DOI:10.1039/C7TA07780G
- D. Fantin, M. Sutton, L.J. Daumann, K.F. Fischer; Evaluation of Existing and New Periodic Tables of the Elements for the Chemistry Education of Blind Students, J. Chem. Educ., 2016, 93 (6), pp 1039–104
- L J. Daumann, P. Werther, M. Ziegler, K.N. Raymond; Siderophore inspired tetra- and octadentate antenna ligands for luminescent Eu(III) and Tb(III) complexes, J. Inorg Biochem. 2016 162:263-273
- L.J. Daumann, D.S. Tatum, C.M. Andolina, J.I. Pacold, A. D’Aléo, G.-l. Law, J. Xu, K.N. Raymond; Effects of ligand geometry on the photophysical properties of photoluminescent Eu(III) and Sm(III) 1-hydroxypyridin-2-one complexes in aqueous solution, Inorganic Chemistry, 2016, 55, 114–124.
- L.J. Daumann, D.S. Tatum, B.E.R. Snyder, C. Ni, G. Law, E.I. Solomon, K.N. Raymond; New Insights into Structure and Luminescence of Eu(III) and Sm(III) Complexes of the 3,4,3-Li(1,2-HOPO) Ligand, 2015 Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137, 2816−2819.
- A. D’Aleo, E.G. Moore, J. Xu, L.J. Daumann, K.N. Raymond; Optimization of the Sensitization Process and Stability of Octadentate Eu(III) 1,2-HOPO Complexes, 2015 Inorganic Chemistry, 54, 6807–6820.
- L.J. Daumann, G. Schenk, D.L. Ollis, L.R. Gahan; Spectroscopic and mechanistic studies of dinuclear metallohydrolases and their biomimetic complexes, Dalton Transactions, 2014 ,43, 910-928.
- L.J. Daumann, J.A. Larrabee, D. Ollis, G. Schenk, L.R. Gahan; Immobilization of the enzyme GpdQ on magnetite nanoparticles for organophosphate pesticide bioremediation, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 2014, 131, 1–7.
- L.J. Daumann, G. Schenk, L.R. Gahan; Metallo-β-lactamases and their Biomimetic Complexes, 2014, Microreview, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (Front Cover), 18, 2869–2885.
- L.J. Daumann, Spectroscopic and Mechanistic Studies of Dinuclear Metallohydrolases and Their Biomimetic Complexes, Springer Theses, Book DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-06629-5, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2014
- L.J. Daumann, L. Marty, G. Schenk, L.R. Gahan; Asymmetric Zinc(II) Complexes as Functional and Structural Models for Phosphoesterases, Dalton Transactions, 2013, 42, 9574-9584.
- D. Kay, L.J. Daumann, G.R. Hanson, L.R. Gahan; Nickel(II), Copper(II), and Silver(I) complexes of the thiophene containing ligand tris[4-(2-thienyl)-3-aza-3-butenyl]amine (TTME); Polyhedron 2013, 64, 151–157.
- L.J. Daumann, J.A. Larrabee, G. Schenk, L.R. Gahan; Dinuclear Cobalt(II) Complexes as Metallo-β-lactamase Mimics, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 3082–3089.
- L.J. Daumann, P. Comba, J. Larrabee, R. Stranger, G. Cavigliasso, G. Schenk, L.R. Gahan; Synthesis, Magnetic Properties and Phosphoesterase Activity of Binuclear Cobalt(II) Complexes, Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 52, 2029-2043.
- K.E. Dalle, L.J. Daumann, G. Schenk, R.P. McGeary, L.R. Hanton, L.R. Gahan; Ligand Modifications Modulate the Mechanism of Binuclear Phosphatase Biomimetics, Polyhedron 2013, 52, 1336-1343.
- L.J. Daumann, L.R. Gahan, P. Comba, G. Schenk; Cadmium(II) Complexes as Mimics of Organophosphate Pesticide Degrading Enzymes and Metallo-β-lactamases, Inorganic Chemistry, 2012, 51, 7669-7681.
- L.J. Daumann, B.Y. McCarthy, K.S. Hadler, T.P. Murray, L.R. Gahan, J.A. Larrabee, D.L. Ollis, G. Schenk; Promiscuity Comes at a Price: Catalytic Versatility vs Efficiency in Different Metal Ion Derivatives of the Potential Bioremediator GpdQ, Biochimica Biophysica Acta - Proteins and Proteomics, 2012, 1834, 425-432.
- L.J. Daumann, K.E. Dalle, G. Schenk, R.P. McGeary, P.V. Bernhardt, D.L. Ollis, L.R. Gahan; The Role of Zn-OR and Zn-OH Nucleophiles and the Influence of p-Substituents in the Reactions of Binuclear Phosphatase Mimetics, Dalton Transactions, 2012, 41, 1695-1708.
- P. Comba, L.J. Daumann, J. Lefebvre, G. Linti, B. Martin, J. Straub, T. Zessin; Mono- and Dinuclear Copper(II) and Iron(II) Complexes of a Tetradentate Bispidine-diacetate Ligand, Australian Journal of Chemistry, 2009, 62, 10, 1238-1245.